
December 13, 2022

Intellicast S5E37: Part Three of the Trilogy with Colson Steber of Communications for Research and Ag Access

Welcome back to Intellicast! On today’s episode, we are joined by Colson Steber of Communications for Research and Ag Access for what we are calling the […]
December 5, 2022

The “People” Have Spoken: Why Relying on Twitter Polls is Just Bad Research

The people have spoken! But… which people? Elon Musk has not tried to hide his obsession with Twitter polls, asking questions ranging from whether formerly banned […]
November 11, 2022

Intellicast S5E34 – A Changing of the Guard At Some MRX Big Hitters

Welcome back to Intellicast! Brian Lamar and Producer Brian are diving into another news-fueled episode today. In the episode’s first segment, Brian Lamar goes rogue with […]