13 Tips for Designing Better Surveys – Part 2

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13 Tips for Designing Better Surveys – Part 2

In part two of this two-part series, we have the final 7 design tips that will help you as you build your next survey.

7. Simplify the Number of Answer Options

Offering too many answer options to a question is one of the quickest ways to frustrate a respondent.  It can make them lose focus, or just pick an answer because they get overwhelmed.  If you have too many answer options for a specific question, consider splitting it into multiple questions. 

8. Have a Catch-All

While you should try to simplify the number of answers you provide respondents, you should have a catch-all to ensure you are not forcing respondents into selecting a specific answer.

9. Don’t Make the Survey Too Long

The longer your survey, the more likely respondents will become fatigued or disinterested in the survey.  This will reduce your data quality and cause a higher dropout rate.  You should aim to keep your survey to 20 questions or less.

10. Make Answers Mutually Exclusive

Every answer option you provide for a question should be distinct from one another.  If they aren’t, respondents can become confused or may need to select more than one answer option to provide you the most accurate feedback.

11. Have a Clear Goal with your Questions

When you are asking a question, you want to have a clear idea of the information you are trying to gather from respondents.  Be sure to avoid phrasing that can distract from that goal or that doesn’t relate to the information you are looking for.

12. Make your Rating Scales Well-Defined

When using a rating scale, be sure to have your best and worst options evenly spaced with the other rating options.  Also, be sure to define the best and worst options since respondents interpret scales different from one another.

13. Skip the Jargon

Try to limit or avoid specific industry terminology, unless you clearly define any terms you plan on using, so that respondents will not be confused by any questions.

To read part one of our series, and get the first 6 design tips, click here.

To find out how EMI can help you with your next study, request a free consultation below.