Intellicast S4E40 – A Quirks NY Recap with Tony Brown and Gabby Blados
November 12, 2021
Intellicast S4E41 – Trusting Data and A Discussion on Rebranding Names
November 22, 2021Having the opportunity to travel to an in-person conference recently was an incredible experience that left me feeling energized about the Market Research industry. It was my first time traveling to the city that never sleeps and it’s clear that market research may just be an industry that never sleeps. The conference itself was well-organized and had a strong turnout. I can’t wait for the next conference I get to attend! Here are my Top 4 key insights from the event:
1. Market Research is Thriving as we Start to Come out of COVID-19
The main theme everyone was taking from the conference was how great it was to interact with people face-to-face and not have to deal with internet connections staying strong enough to ensure none of us missed a beat. The conference was filled with friendly faces, both new and familiar. Throughout the sessions people were expressing how different it felt to be in person and how we hope this trend stays on track.
2. Screener and Questionnaire Designs should be Thoughtful — With the Respondent in Mind
One of my favorite sessions from the conference discussed how easy it is for us as researchers to fall into the habit of using similar question designs from survey to survey. This session drove home the message that the effort you put into the research should equal the effort going toward the output. The more thoughtful we are with asking questions in a way that’s engaging for respondents can lead to richer insights because respondents can feel more at ease when answering our questions and will want to provide quality feedback.
3. Shifts Happened During the Pandemic that will have an Impact on Consumer Behavior Today and in the Future
As we know, humans are creatures of habit, and the past couple of years have really impacted our daily lives and how we view just about everything. The session presented by Material and Ulta Beauty dove into this piece of consumer behavior and outlined how those previous habits have been changed during the pandemic, leaving the door wide open for growth. There’s a tremendous amount of opportunity for researchers to define which habits will stick once all of this is behind us. Most likely, just when we have our fingers on the new pulse, things will shift again, always keeping us on our toes.
4. Gen Z can be the Generation that has an Impact on How we Look at Market Research
There were a couple of sessions during this conference that focused on Gen Z and the impact they’re having on all fronts of market research. This generation is boldly owning their choices, are unapologetic, are breaking gender norms, and are vocal about the causes they support. The idea of having a fixed identity is old news to them, which could shape how we ask screening questions in the near future to ensure we’re being inclusive, especially with questions surrounding gender and ethnicity.
Quirks New York was informative, inspirational, and the insights I brought home with me are invaluable. I’m already counting down the days to the next conference! To learn more about our experience at Quirks, check out the latest episode of Intellicast where Tony Brown and I recap the conference, discuss our favorite sessions, and more!