Intellicast S4E13 – April Fool’s Pranks and Third-Party Cookie Replacements
April 15, 2021Welcome back to Intellicast! We have a great guest this week – Lisa Wilding Brown, Chief Research Officer of InnovateMR and newly elected ESOMAR Council member (among her many other titles).
Kicking off the episode, Lisa and the guys discuss the recent ResTech conference that was held a could of weeks back, and what it means for the market research industry. They dig deep into how the new branding can really help open up new investment into the industry.
In the second topic, they discuss the newly announced combined leadership team for Confirmit/FocusVision. Brian and Lisa give perspective around the impact on market research, while Producer Brian talks about the business impact for the employees at both organizations.
This leads into a deep discussion around the use of demographics and how they shouldn’t be used as a sole segmentation tool, but in coordination with attitudes, behaviors, and other resources to better segment audiences. Lisa talks about her hope to see how we ask demographics evolve, especially with the changes over the last couple of years with how people identify themselves.
The demographics conversation leads into a talk about the Multicultural Insights Collective, and the works she has been doing with them to better diversity within Market Research.
In the second half of the episode, the guys switch gears and get to know Lisa a bit better. We talk about how Lisa is able to not only get involved in so many different organizations and causes, but how she makes time for it all along with making time for her family and her role at Innovate. Lisa talks about the importance of work-life balance, calendar discipline, and not being afraid to say no.
Next, the guys learn about what’s new at Innovate, including their new agile research platform Vision Suite. Lisa gives us background on the thinking behind what went into building the platform and how they got it launched. Lisa also talks about how it ties back to Innovate’s overall tag line.
In the final segment of the episode, Brian asks Lisa her opinion on where the future of sample is going.
This is just a small portion of what we covered with Lisa!
We hope you enjoy!
You can connect with Lisa by email at [email protected] or on LinkedIn here.
You can learn more about Innovate and their new agile insights platform, Vision Suite, here.
The Sample Landscape: 2021 Edition is now available! Download our free report to understand how panels change over time, how the pandemic impacted the sample industry, and much more! Click here to get your copy!
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