Respondent Experience and How We Can Make it Better
June 22, 2020S3E33 – Data Quality From the Client-Side with Tia Maurer
June 29, 2020Welcome back to Intellicast! We continue our special thought leadership series this week with another great guest. Joining Brian Lamar, Producer Brian, and Andrew DeCilles on this episode is Steve Barnard, the Senior Vice President at The Link Group, to discuss healthcare research.
Before we jump into the interview, Brian Lamar confesses he got the Intellicast Twitter account suspended by changing the birthday settings. (Update: It’s now back up and running!) The revelation leaves Producer Brian a bit perplexed.
We then jump into the interview with Steve. It starts with the guys learning about Steve’s background and what his current role is at The Link Group.
We then jump into discussing healthcare research, starting off with a discussion if COVID-19 has had an impact, if there had been any changes in methodology, and if Steve had seen any changes in response rates. This leads into some tips on if certain questions should be included in the research.
This leads to a discussion around The Link Group’s new report using their unique methodology called LinkEQ (Emotional Measurement Research) that focuses on primary care physicians. They guys discuss the goals of the research, a quick review of LinkEQ, and some of the key findings.
The guys then discuss data quality in healthcare research, and if there are any differences when compared to consumer research.
We then get a bit philosophical when Andrew and Steve discuss the impact of the research they do on the world and how they feel about it.
In the last segment of the interview, we do an abbreviated version of the 4 P’s and learn that Steve has recently gotten chickens. This leads to Andrew letting us know that he has built a worm farm in his garage for better compost.
This is an insightful episode!
You can connect with Steve on LinkedIn here. You can also learn more about The Link Group and LinkEQ by visiting their website: http://tlg.com/
If you missed our most recent webinar, The Sample Landscape 2020: Trends and Insights on the Sample Industry, you can check out the on-demand version here.
You can learn more about EMI’s new DIY sample platform, CONNECTOR, and request a demo by visiting our website at www.emi-rs.com/connector/.
The new edition of EMI’s annual report on the sample industry, The Sample Landscape, is now available! You can download a copy of this insightful report on how the sample industry differs, and what you need to know to navigate this industry. Download it here.
You can discover more about the industry COVID-19 insights and resources, including EMI’s research and blogs by visiting here.
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