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Who Do We Trust Online? Insights on Recommendations and Trust Levels
July 2, 2024Welcome back to Intellicast! In today’s episode, Brian Peterson is joined by EMI’s Mary Draper and Karine Pepin, co-founder of The Research Heads, to give another talk about data quality.
The focus of the conversation came from a recent LinkedIn post from Karine that started a lengthy debate in the comment section – specifically questioning the Quality Pledge that some organizations have signed. The questions included:
- Why is a corporation leading this effort rather than GDQ, CASE4Quality, or industry associations?
- How are “indicators” of quality defined? Are indicators measured pre or post-survey?
- Will suppliers be audited to ensure compliance?
- What does “sharing bad practices” entail, and with whom are they shared?
- I counted 27 signatories. With so many open questions, what exactly are they committing to?
Brian starts the episode by getting Mary and Karine’s perspectives on the pledge. Karine talks about her reaction when she found out about it, especially since she is part of the Global Data Quality Initiative through the Insights Association. Mary then points out that if an initiative like this is going on, it should be endorsed by some of the industry organizations working on data quality and be centrally located.
The three then discuss what needs to happen to make this pledge more enforceable and meaningful. Karine mentioned agreed-upon standards and an enforcer of those standards. She mentions that some in the industry are calling on brands to enforce this, but Karine wonders what role agencies should play. Mary noted that she would like to see an “elected” official in the third-party entity to manage this. This leads Brian to ask if a Better Business Bureau-like model would work.
The conversation turns to having a more central way to report issues that occur, specifically how to report bad actor respondents and have them removed across the panel landscape rather than just having them removed from a single panel.
In the last part of the conversation, Brian switches gears, and he and Mary talk with Karine about the official launch of her new venture, The Research Heads, and how the response has been.
If you love data quality discussions, this is the episode for you!
Thanks for tuning in!
You can connect with Karine on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/datafairy/
You can learn more about The Research Heads by visiting their website: https://www.theresearchheads.com/
We recently held our webinar, The Sample Landscape’s State of the Industry. If you missed it, no problem! You can watch the on-demand version here.
We have released the 2024 edition of our annual report on the online sample industry, The Sample Landscape. To stay ahead of the curve of what’s going on in the online sample industry, be sure to download your copy now. Download Here: www.emi-rs.com/the-sample-landscape/
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