Bring It On: Our Predictions for Market Research in 2023
January 17, 2023
Let’s Get Local: Kentucky Tax Effect on MRX
January 31, 2023Welcome back to Season 6 of Intellicast! You’ve made it to the second episode! Brian Lamar and Producer Brian are joined by EMI’s one and only Mary Draper to discuss some of the latest market research news and our anticipated trends for the industry in 2023.
The episode kicks-off with about five minutes of football chat as Mary is a huge (albeit occasionally grumpy) Bengals fan and some conference chat as conference season is upon us!
Then, the guys and Mary jump into some industry news with the announcement that Screen Engine has acquired Coherency, a brand insights and strategy company. They follow this by touching on The Market Research Institute International’s (MRII) naming of Paul Hunter as its 2023 president. Brian Lamar will also be joining the board!
In the next segment, Mary and the Brians discuss some staffing news in the MRX industry. KS&R has promoted three of their long term employees to Directors. They also talk about Nielsen who, following its restructuring into three global units, has announced that it will be reducing its headcount to its numbers in early 2022.
In the final news segment, the crew analyzes the FTC’s proposed rule that would ban non-competes for workers, stating that non-compete agreements on workers constitute an unfair method of competition and therefore violate Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act because they restrict freedom of job change.
The episode rounds out with a discussion on the future of market research and some of the trends we anticipate this year including continued consolidation, new legislation, and more. You can read more of our predictions here.
This is a great episode that will have you asking lots of questions like, where is our industry headed? Do the Bengals need a villain story? Should all market researchers get Dutton Ranch brands? Tune in to hear more.
Thanks for listening!
Don’t forget to reach out and give us your suggestions for the new intro music!
EMI’s annual report on the sample industry, The Sample Landscape, is now available! Get your copy here: https://emi-rs.com/the-sample-landscape/
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