Intellicast S4E10 – Michael Willens of Adler Weiner Research
March 9, 2021
Data Quality 101: De-Duplication
April 5, 2021Welcome back to Intellicast! On today’s episode, Jason Inderhees joins Brian Lamar and Producer Brian to discuss all the latest market research news.
Kicking the episode off, the guys talk about a recent video by Lisa Wilding Brown on Bob Lederer’s podcast responding to an article by Grey Matter. They guys were happy to see Lisa standing up for the sample industry and talked about how this type of lobbying is needed. You can get more details here.
Next, the guys talk about InnovateMR’s new service, VisionSuite, and its various components. They then turn their attention to Imperium’s new automated respondent score called, QualityScore. Jason talks about the large number of new respondent or quality metrics that have launched recently, and how they all seem to have “score” in their name. He voices his concern that there it will be difficult from a client’s perspective to understand the quality because all the scores are different.
In the next segment, we had a listener submission for our ongoing talks about company names with a unique spelling. The company this time around is Vypr.
Next, the guys talk about Ipsos’s 2020 results. While they reported a decline in revenue for the full year, they did see revenue growth in Q4. They guys find that this is another factor showing the recovery of the industry from 2020.
In the last couple of stories, the guys talk about Annie Pettit’s new role with E2E Research and the new partnership between DISQO and Research Results.
Finally, the guys talk about the new conference that Patrick Comer has launched in New Orleans, called the ResTech conference.
Thanks for listening!
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