Intellicast S5E16 – The Need for Translations with Jill Kushner Bishop of Multilingual Connections

Welcome back to Intellicast! On today’s episode, Brian Lamar and Producer Brian are back with special guest Jill Kushner Bishop, the CEO of Multilingual Connections.
Kicking off the episode, Brian and Producer Brian talk about some upcoming events in the market research community, including SampleCon, the UGA MMR conference, as well as the upcoming Cincinnati Scurry they are both participating in to benefit mental health.
Then we jump right into the interview with Jill.
It started off with Jill discussing her background as a linguistic anthropologist, and how she ended up in market research instead of being a high school Spanish teacher. Jill then gets into how she started Multilingual Connections, and how being a language consultant for Chipotle after 9/11 led her to start her own company. Jill also talks about the path and the evolution the company has taken over the years.
Next, Brian and Jill discuss how language plays into market research, starting from a US perspective, then to a global perspective. The discussion also hits on why native language is so important in research.
After that, Jill talks about some of the trends she is seeing within market research and language.
In the second part of our interview, we have Jill answer the four P’s. Jill turns one P around on us and lets us know that instead of a hidden talent in the kitchen, she admits she is not a good cook. She also lets us know that she started fostering puppies during the pandemic, her favorite indulgence, as well as what she likes to do in her downtime.
This is a super interesting interview that you don’t want to miss!
You can learn more about Multilingual Connections by visiting their website:
You can connect with Jill on LinkedIn here:
EMI is participating in this year’s Cincinnati Scurry, a fundraiser to increase awareness of mental health. This year’s race benefits The Linder Center of Hope, Cincinnati Children’s Adopt For Life), and the Children’s Home of Northern Kentucky. You can help support our team here:
Be sure to use our team’s name “Best Efforts”!
Missed our webinar, The Sample Landscape 2022: The Trends Impacting Online Sample, No problem! Click the link to watch the on-demand version:
WMI’s annual report on the sample industry, The Sample Landscape, is now available! Get your copy here:
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