Happy? Ask Me After the Game: How Consumer Moods Are Impacted by the Performance of Their Favorite Team
February 5, 2025Welcome back to Intellicast! In today’s episode, Brian Peterson is joined by Matthew Alexander to discuss mergers, people on the move, and AI.
Starting the episode, the guys talk about some recent mergers and acquisitions from around the industry. First, they touch on OpinonRoute’s acquisition of Jibunu and how this can impact OpinionRoute going forward. They then touch ACKWEST’s purchase of Precision Sample.
Next, the guys discuss some moves people in the industry have made. They touch on new additions at Morning Consult and Symmetric Sample. They hit on WIRe’s executive structure changes and Ryan Barry departing Zappi.
In the last segment, the guys touch on a few news stories around AI, specifically synthetic data. First, they discuss the new solution from PureSpectrum, called Training Data, and how that can impact synthetic data and improve existing models. This led to a more philosophical discussion triggered by comments from a panel at the MRS AI conference. Matthew breaks it down to show how biases impact not just synthetic data but survey data as well. He also touches on how EMI addresses that bias.
Thanks for listening!
We have released the 2024 edition of our annual report on the online sample industry, The Sample Landscape. To stay ahead of the curve of what’s going on in the online sample industry, be sure to download your copy now. Download Here: www.emi-rs.com/the-sample-landscape/
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