Intellicast S5E16 – The Need for Translations with Jill Kushner Bishop of Multilingual Connections
May 17, 2022
Intellicast S5E17 -Let’s Catch Up On Some MR News
May 20, 2022At EMI, our team is one of our strongest assets—and it’s growing! In the past year, we’ve had a lot of new additions to our team, and we want to take some time to highlight them and the unique strengths they bring to EMI. This week, we’re highlighting our new Insights Associate, Jared Frank. Continue reading to learn more about Jared.
What do you do at EMI?
At EMI, I am involved in data analytics (creating data tables, reports, and visualizations) along with assisting Brian Lamar on some of his day-to-day tasks.
What led you to EMI?
I found EMI on Handshake which is a popular job site for the University of Cincinnati students. Many people that attended the University suggested going to that website to apply for jobs. I came across EMI and the job description was exactly what I was looking for, so I decided to apply.
When you have 30 minutes of free time, how do you pass the time?
When it’s football season, I am very involved in fantasy football and constantly spend my free time looking at news, updates, and players’ stats. When football season ends, I spend some free time cleaning and organizing my room, online shopping, and “waste” some time on Tik Tok.
What’s your favorite food?
My favorite food would have to be anything Italian. I love a good pasta dish with meatballs, lasagna, and Hawaiian pizzas (Not as Italian).
What’s your best travel story?
One of my favorite travel stories was traveling to New York with my family and our dog at the time. We stopped halfway to stay at a hotel that didn’t allow pets, so we had to wrap our dog up in a blanket. When we were walking in someone asked my mom if she could see the “baby”, but my mom responded with “he’s sleeping”.
What kind of music do you listen to?
I listen to a lot of hip hop, but I also enjoy listening to music from the 80’s and 90’s because that’s always what my dad played in the car when I was a kid.
If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
Just off the top of my head, I would like to be a better cook. Growing up, my mom was able to cook meals for most of the weekdays that I now realize I took for granted. As of now, my cooking is limited to pasta with sauce and ground beef or frozen meals that require no skill to cook. It would be nice to not only be able to be a good cook, but also be able to cook a wide variety of food.
If you could have dinner with any person, living, dead, or fictional, who would you dine with?
I would probably have to choose Adam Sandler. Growing up I watched a ton of his movies, and he has always been one of my favorite actors. I think he would make the dinner very enjoyable, making me laugh and sharing stories about some of the people he has worked with. Afterward, we could play some basketball since I know he enjoys that.
Do you have a favorite movie/tv quote?
One of my favorite quotes comes from Andy Bernard (Ed Helms) in the Office, “I wish there was a way to know you were in the good ole days before you actually left them.” Once I heard this quote it made me realize there were many times in my life that I took for granted and didn’t realize the significance of those time periods. For instance, living with all my brothers before they started to move off to college and start their own careers and families.
Tell me one interesting fact about yourself
I have never seen the original Lion King. It wasn’t until I was in my junior year of college that I watched the remake which I was told is not as good.
What would you do for a career if you weren’t doing this?
One career that I have always found interesting would be graphic design. I think it would be fun to be able to redesign logos or just create flyers, posters, etc.
How do you define success?
I would define success as achieving the goals that you make for yourself, whatever that may be whether it’s money, a certain career, being able to have and support a family, etc.
What is your favorite thing about working at EMI?
So far, my favorite thing about working at EMI is how welcoming everyone has been. Graeter’s and drinks after work on my first day has helped me relax a little and feel less tense.
Which of our four core values here at EMI (Agility, Accountability, Integrity, or Passion) do you most relate to?
The value that I relate to the most is accountability. Growing up I was always told to be there for my family and support them whenever I could. That applies to more than just family, as I like to be able to support my friends and work colleagues as well. I think it is important to be able to have other people know they can depend on you when they need your help.