Intellicast S5E5 – Talking Data Quality with Cheskie Rosenzweig of CloudResearch
February 3, 2022
Intellicast S5E7 – Is This a Sports or an MRX Podcast?
February 16, 2022Welcome back to Intellicast! We have a jammed-packed news episode for you today.
Brian Lamar and Producer Brian kick off the episode talking about some of the upcoming market research conferences, like the IA Annual Conference, Quirks Chicago, and IIeX, as well as how excited Brian is to get back to in-person conferences.
Brian then talks about the launch of the new Minority Access Partnership Program (MAPP) website (www.Mappinterships.com). He also gives a bit of background of the program and how both he and EMI got involved.
The guys then talk about some news coming out of EMI. They announce the new partnership with Ag Access that makes EMI the exclusive reseller of their agricultural community.
You can read the full Ag Access press release here: https://emi-rs.com/2022/02/01/emi-to-be-exclusive-agent-for-ag-access-community/
The guys then switch gears and talk some latest market research news, starting with the news from InnovateMR that they received significant funding from private equity firm CIVC Partners.
They then touch on the news that Prodege acquired Pollfish, as well as the new mobile game player insight tool from TapResearch.
Next, the guys have a lengthy discussion about the news of a proposed bill in Congress that would impose a ban on “surveillance advertising”. Producer Brian talks from a marketer’s perspective about what he would like to see and what he is not a fan of both in the proposed bill and in the current state of advertising.
Brian and Producer Brian then talk about Merkle’s announcement to combine Gyro and Merkle DWA into Merkle B2B, as well as Pureprofile’s decision to add CleanID to its platform to improve their data quality. They also discuss the news of System 1 being taken public, and how it was a bit of a surprise to both of them that they were.
In our last story of the day, the guys get into a lengthy discussion about the news that the Census Bureau has plans to create its own probability-based panel to conduct public opinion research from. This leads to a broader discussion on whether it is fair for the government to compete with the private sector, and if this is more of a warning shot to the industry to do better.
Thanks for listening!
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