Employee Spotlight: Gabby Blados
August 17, 2021
Intellicast S4E29 – Wearable Devices, New Panels, and More
August 26, 2021Welcome back to Intellicast! We are joined but by not one, but two special guests this episode. Joining Brian Lamar and Producer Brian are Lynn Adelmund, VP of Market Research, and Laura Finkelstein, Senior Vice President, both of Trifecta Research.
The interview kicks off with Lynn and Laura giving Brian some details on their market research backgrounds. We learn that both are more market research generalists with experience in both qual and quant, similar to Brian.
Then Laura and Lynn talk with Brian about how they ended up at Trifecta Research, as well as some additional details about Trifecta. This includes the background on the name Trifecta, and how it ties into their approach to research.
We then switch gears and discuss with Lynn and Laura how the market research industry has evolved over their storied careers. This is a great discussion that gave Brian Lamar a new perspective.
We switch gears again and talk about Omnibus research. We start off by discussing how we are seeing more requests for this type of research, while Lynn and Laura counter with how efficient it has actually become rather and an increase. Laura gives a quick breakdown of what an omnibus is, which leads to some best practices organizations should be aware of if they are thinking of using the omnibus method for their research.
Finally, Lynn and Laura discuss Trifecta’s new B2B omnibus alternative solution. They give some details on how it works and how organizations can leverage it to gather awesome insights quickly.
You can learn more about Trifecta Research by visiting their website at https://trifectaresearch.com/.
You can connect with Laura on LinkedIn here, or by calling 877-521-7778.
You can connect with Lynn on LinkedIn here, or by calling 877.521.7778.
Thanks for listening!
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