Recommendations and Best Practices for Improved Data Quality
August 18, 2020
Visual Presentation and Its Impact on Respondent Experience and Data
August 24, 20202020 has brought plenty of change to the market research industry, but one of the few things that has stayed consistent is market research podcasts. Listening to market research podcasts is a great way to stay informed in a fast-paced industry. This year especially, these podcasts have kept us connected. From chatting about career path possibilities with industry leaders, discussing virtual conferences, and discovering new insights, market research podcasts continue to rise. Here we have compiled a list of some great market research podcasts from this year that you may have missed.
Virtual Insights Summit: a brand new type of market research event
Host: Zontziry Johnson
In this episode, Z and Kristina discuss one of the first virtual conferences of the year, the Virtual Insights Summit. They chat about how the conference differed from an in-person event, as well as some of the similarities and even positive aspects of going virtual. They wrap up the episode by predicting what events will look like for the rest of 2020 and what aspects of these virtual events might continue long-term.
Ask the experts: How to elevate your career in market research with Brian Lamar
The Research Geek Podcast
Host: Jake Pryszlak
Host, Jake Pryszlak, chats with EMI’s own Brian Lamar about his career in market research and all the different roles he has held within the industry. They talk about where they see research going in the future and what makes a good market researcher. The Research Geek Podcast’s “Ask the Experts” series is great to listen to if you are just starting out in market research or if you want some great insight from industry leaders.
S5E10: Brian Lamar– Survey Fatigue and How to Fix It
Voices of CX Podcast
Host: Mary Drumond
In this episode of The Voices of CX, Mary speaks with Brian Lamar about survey fatigue. This is a great episode that gets into the nitty gritty of market research and the respondent experience. Mary and Brian have several rants about the survey industry and how we can make it better, giving this episode a “brainstorm session” feel.
Priscilla and Sigi Hale, PH. D. Get All Neurosciencey
Ponderings from the Perch
Host: Priscilla McKinney
In this episode, Priscilla teams up with Sigi Hale, PH.D., of ThrivePlan about how consumers are navigating the ever-changing landscape of Coronavirus. They talk about consumer behavior, examine buyer motivations, and crack the code on what makes humans tick. This is a great episode that gives insight into how good market research can help the world rebuild after crisis.
Shannon Frazier of Directions Research and a SampleCon Recap
Host: Brian Lamar
This episode of Intellicast features special guests Shannon Frazier of Directions Research and Mary Draper of EMI Research Solutions. They talk about their experiences at SampleCon this year, one of the last in-person conferences before Coronavirus hit. It’s a great conversation from both a sample supplier and buyer perspective and gives a great overview of the conference. Brian also rants about conference badges and lanyards, while Mary and Shannon discuss their shared affection for Publix.
Data Quality Series
The final podcast we will mention is not a specific episode but a group of episodes from our Data Quality Series. This series features industry experts and gives great insight into the importance of data quality and its best practices
S3E28– Vignesh Krishnan, CEO of SampleChain
S3E31—Data Quality with Terry Crawford of MMR
S3E32—Talking Healthcare Research with Steve Barnard of The Link Group
S3E33—Data Quality from the Client Side with Tia Maurer
S3E35—Andrew Moffatt of OpinionRoute
Don’t forget to check out some of the other great market research podcasts out there, such as:
And many more!